2013-2014 Catalog

Preparatory Enrollment Program

A limited number of recent graduates from Rhode Island high schools who have the ability and potential to succeed in college with appropriate academic support services, but who do not meet Rhode Island College’s criteria for regular admission, may be selected to participate in the Preparatory Enrollment Program (PEP). Preference in selection is given to low-income first-generation college students and to students with disabilities evidencing academic need.

The program consists of two academic phases intended to prepare participants fully for the collegelevel work they will face at Rhode Island College. The first phase begins in the spring prior to enrollment at the college. PEP students come to the campus one evening a week for six weeks to attend classes in developmental writing skills and to meet with their PEP counselor. The second phase, which occurs during the summer, consists of six weeks of intensive academic study. Students live on campus in residence halls while taking classes in writing and mathematics, as well as one freshmanlevel course for college credit.

Class sizes are small and individual and group tutoring sessions are frequent. Tutors live in the residence halls with the students, so that academic assistance is always nearby. College facilities, such as the library and computer laboratories, are completely open to PEP students. Upon successful completion of both the spring and summer components, PEP students enroll as freshmen and have full access to the college’s support services.

The admission process involves a review of the student’s academic records, SAT scores and other standardized test scores (if appropriate), a statement written by the applicant, family/student financial information, and a guidance counselor recommendation. Some students selected for final consideration may be invited to participate in a personal interview.

Rhode Island College is a member of The Common Application group. Applicants submit a completed Common Application accompanied by a fifty-dollar nonrefundable application fee to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Students may apply online at www.commonapp.org. The application deadline is February 1.