2023-2024 Catalog

Political Science B.A.

Course Requirements

Required Courses

POL 102American Government


Fall, Spring, Summer.
POL 103Global Politics


Fall, Spring.
POL 104Introduction to Political Thought


Fall, Spring.
POL 300Methodology in Political Science


Fall, Spring.
POL 308WResearch and Writing in Political Science


Fall, Spring.
and SIX additional 3 or 4-credit political science courses, at least FOUR of which must be at the 300-level or above.

Total Credit Hours: 41-44


The Department of Political Science strongly encourages students to undertake internship experiences as part of their undergraduate education. Every fall, spring, and summer the department offers a twelve-week internship for students in political science, public administration, justice studies, gerontology, and other programs. Students are placed in federal, state, and local government agencies; in private sector public service organizations; and in organizations engaged in campaigns or political advocacy. To enroll in this internship, students should register for POL 328.

In addition, under the auspices of the Rhode Island State Internship Program, the department offers a twelve-week internship every spring semester, placing students with individual members of the Rhode Island state legislature or with members of the executive and judicial branches of state government. To enroll in this internship, students should register for POL 327.

Washington Week/Congressional Internship

Washington Week is a one-week internship program for Rhode Island College (RIC) students which provides the opportunity to intern in a Rhode Island Congressional office in Washington D.C. The goal of the program is to provide RIC students with an overview of Congress through being a part of a RI Senator or Representative's office and to see first-hand how the federal government works. Additionally, the intern will serve as an ambassador for Rhode Island College. While there will be some variability in the work that interns will do during the internship week, possible work responsibilities may include shadowing staff, attending meetings/hearings, answering constituent phone calls, and general office administration. The RIC Washington Week/Congressional Internship will also provide general orientation to the sites and people who work in Congress in the hope that the internship may also provide new career and educational pathways for the RIC students. RIC students apply to the program during the spring semester are finalists are chosen based on an application process.

Preference is given to RIC students who have not participated in other Federal government internships. RIC students receive a stipend to pay for living expenses and travel to and from D.C.