2023-2024 Catalog

General Information

General Information for Undergraduate Programs

The Feinstein School of Education and Human Development provides undergraduate students with a wide­range of choices and opportunities for working with Rhode Island children, youth, and adults. The choices include a range of teacher certification programs from pre-school through high school to choices in community programs, and working with individuals of all age levels.
Teacher Certification Programs. Upon admission to one of the Feinstein teacher preparation programs, students become teacher candidates and take courses many of which include extensive field experiences including observations, tutoring, and teaching in Rhode Island Schools. Programs for teacher preparation separated by grade levels include: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Elementary Special Education, Middle Level and Secondary Education. Programs for teacher preparation for teaching students in grades Kindergarten through Twelve are: Art Education, Health Education, Music Education, Physical Education, World Languages, and Technology Education.

Community Programs. The Feinstein School of Education and Human Development offers a variety of community programs for students who want to work with children, youth and adults in varied community settings. These include community and public health promotion, early childhood, wellness and exercise science, and youth development. These programs provide our graduates with a broad range of employment opportunities and they do not lead to teacher certification. Additional information on community programs can be found on each program’s website.

Background Checks (BCI). Every FSEHD student who works with children/youth/adults must maintain a current BCI from the Attorney General’s Office. The BCI is required before entering a classroom or community space, virtually and/or face to face, whether observing, tutoring, teaching, and/or participating in any community activity. BCIs will be submitted and maintained in Chalk and Wire. Directions for obtaining and submitting background checks are provided by course instructors and are on the FSEHD Undergraduate Programs and Admission page.

Application to Undergraduate Programs (Teacher Preparation and Community Programs) in the Feinstein School of Education and Human Development (FSEHD)

Students who are in good standing at Rhode Island College may apply for admission to FSEHD undergraduate programs. For more information see the FSEHD Undergraduate Admission page.

The instructions and admissions requirements for all undergraduate programs in teacher preparation, the early childhood community programs and B-3 program, community and public health promotion, wellness and exercise science, and youth development programs are updated frequently. Further information may be obtained from the office of the FSEHD Associate Dean (Horace Mann) or from the appropriate department.

Students interested in the art education or music education program should contact the department chair as soon as they are admitted to the college for information about the required courses in the program and the requirements for admission to the program.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Programs

The applicant’s academic performance and related experiences that indicate potential for success as a teacher are reviewed in the admission process. The application materials submitted by the student, listed below, must provide evidence of the following:

  1. Credits: Completion of at least 24 credit hours at a nationally or regionally accredited college or university by the end of the semester in which the candidate applies for admission to a teacher preparation program.        
  2. GPA: A minimum G.P.A. of 2.75 in all college courses taken at RIC prior to admission to a teacher preparation program.  Applicants whose GPA falls between 2.60 and 2.749 can apply for full admission with a GPA contingency.  The 2.75 GPA must be met before student teaching.Completion of the college mathematics competency.
  3. Mathematics Milestone Requirement: See RIC Math Milestone Requirement Information for completion of this requirement.Writing Requirement: The writing requirement can be met in the following ways: 
    • Earn a grade of B or better in FYW 100 or  100P, or an equivalent/transfer (as determined by RIC Admissions).
    • Earn a score of 59 or better on the College Composition College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Test. 
    • Earn a score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement (AP) Test for English Language and Composition.
  4. Writing Requirement: The writing requirement can be met in the following ways:
    • Earn a grade of B or better in FYW 100 or  100P, or an equivalent/transfer (as determined by RIC Admissions).
    • Earn a score of 59 or better on the College Composition College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Test.
    • Earn a score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement (AP) Test for English Language and Composition.
  5. Basic Skills Tests. All students in undergraduate initial teacher certification programs must submit basic skills tests (SAT, ACT, or Praxis Core) scores in math, reading and writing. Basic skills test information is also shared in FSEHD admission information sessions, in FNED 101 and 246 courses, by program advisors, and can be found on the FSEHD Undergraduate Programs and Admission page (See Testing Requirement at the bottom of the page.). Individuals with disabilities and nonnative speakers of English who plan to request alternative test administration should check in with the Disability Services Center in Fogarty Life Science room 137. 
    • Second Degree (Post-bachelors) students are not required to submit basic skills test scores. 
    • Students who meet the required scores for Math, Reading and Writing are accepted in to the FSEHD.  See FSEHD Undergraduate Programs and Admission page (Testing Requirement at the bottom of the page.)
    • Conditional Admission. If any scores fall below the required benchmark scores, students apply for conditional admission and are eligible for enrollment in a Math (CURR 232 Foundational School Mathematics for Teachers) or Literacy (CURR 242 Foundational English Language Arts for Teachers) content module.
  6. FNED 101. Successful completion of FNED 101: Introduction to Teaching and Learning. 
  7. FNED 246. Completion of FNED 246: Schooling for Social Justice, with a minimum grade of B-. The minimum grade requirement applies even if an equivalent course from another institution is transferred to Rhode Island College.
  8. Submission of three FNED 246 Disposition Assessment Forms. FNED 246 faculty submit an evaluation for each student enrolled. Each student will be given two links, one evaluation to be completed by the clinical supervisor practice and one to be completed as a student self- evaluation. 
  9. Program Specific Requirements. Completion of program specific requirements. Each teacher preparation program has additional admissions requirements. Information about these requirements is available in the department to which the candidate is applying.

The admissions requirements above, can also be found at FSEHD Undergraduate Programs and Admission page (Scroll to the middle of the page).


FSEHD Community Service Requirement

FSEHD initial teacher candidates (undergraduate and second bachelors’ programs) must complete 25 hours of community service before student teaching. This requirement may be completed on an individual basis or through one or more of the courses in the program and generally begins with an experience during the FNED 246 course. See FSEHD Community Service Requirement.

Student Teaching Requirement

The FSEHD requires all teacher candidates (undergraduate, second degree, RITE, and M.A.T.) to complete all specific program requirements, pass the required Praxis exams, and complete the student teaching application prior to student teaching. See the FSEHD Office of Partnership and Placements (OPP) webpage for additional student teaching information.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Community Programs

Early Childhood (ECED) Community Programs, ECED Birth – 3, Community and Public Health Promotion, and Wellness and Exercise Science. 

Please note: Youth Development has its own requirements and application for admission. Visit the YDEV website for details.

The applicant’s academic performance and related experiences that indicate potential for success are reviewed in the admission process. The application materials submitted by the student, listed below, must provide evidence of the following:

  1.  Credits: Completion of at least 24 credit hours at a nationally or regionally accredited college or university by the end of the semester in which the candidate applies for admission to a teacher preparation program.        
  2. GPA: minimum G.P.A. of 2.75 in all college courses taken at RIC prior to admission to a teacher preparation program.  Applicants whose GPA falls between 2.60 and 2.749 can apply for full admission with a GPA contingency.  The 2.75 GPA must be met before internship.
  3. Mathematics Milestone Requirement: See RIC Math Milestone Requirement Information for completion of this requirement.
  4. Writing Requirement: The writing requirement can be met in the following ways:
    • Earn a grade of B or better in FYW 100 or 100P, or an equivalent/transfer (as determined by RIC Admissions)
    • Earn a score of 59 or better on the College Composition College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Test
    • Earn a score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement (AP) Test for English Language and Composition.
  5. FNED 101. This requirement is ONLY for ECED B-3 and ECED Community programs. Successful completion of FNED 101: Introduction to Teaching and Learning. 
    • Submission of a student self-evaluation Disposition Assessment Form.
  6. FNED 246. This requirement is ONLY for ECED Community programs. Completion of FNED 246: Schooling for Social Justice, with a minimum grade of B-. The minimum grade requirement applies even if an equivalent course from another institution is transferred to Rhode Island College.
    • Submission of three FNED 246 Disposition Assessment Forms. FNED 246 faculty submit an evaluation for each student enrolled. Each student will be given two links, one evaluation to be completed by the clinical supervisor practice and one to be completed as a student self- evaluation. 
  7. Program Specific Requirements.Completion of program specific requirements. Each community program has additional admission requirements. Information about these requirements is available in the department to which the candidate is applying.

The admissions requirements above, can also be found at FSEHD Undergraduate Programs and Admission page (Scroll to the middle of the page).


Admission Procedures to Undergraduate Programs

Information about admission to the FSEHD undergraduate programs is provided by program advisors and can be found on the FSEHD Undergraduate Programs and Admission page (Scroll to the middle of the page.).  An admission orientation is provided each semester for students applying for admission the following semester.  

  • Students submit their FSEHD application for admission on Anthology (Chalk and Wire), which is an online portfolio system.
  • Once a student submits an application, the department chair in the respective department evaluates the information provided and makes a recommendation to the associate dean about the applicant’s admission to the FSEHD program. If an application is recommended for admission, the department chair also assigns an advisor to the applicant.
  • The associate dean reviews the recommendation and each applicant who is accepted into a program is sent a letter of acceptance (via RIC email). Students who do not meet admissions requirements will be informed via email. 
  • Students accepted to the teacher preparation program become teacher candidates. 
  • Students who wish to transfer to or add another program within the FSHD school must inform the advisor or department chair of the decision and apply for admission to the new program. Information used in the original application may be used in the new application when appropriate.

Appeal Process

The applicant may appeal a decision for admission or re-admission to a program within 60 days of receiving the denial letter/email. The appeal may be based on policy or procedure and should be sent to the associate dean of the Feinstein School of Education and Human Development. Any applicant initiating an appeal must provide additional and substantiating evidence to support the appeal. Subsequent appeals should follow Rhode Island College policy for student appeals (see RIC academic policies and procedures manual.)

Retention Requirement

All Feinstein School of Education and Human Development candidates are required to maintain an overall G.P.A. of 2.75 throughout their chosen program. Programs monitor the content G.P.A. as the required G.P.A. varies by program. Check with an advisor to learn about specific program requirements.

General Information for Undergraduate Feinstein School of Education and Human Development Community Programs

The Department of Health and Physical Education offers two community programs: https://www.ric.edu/department-directory/department-health-and-physical-education/department-health-and-physical-education-undergraduate-programs

Community-Based Programs: The Department of Health and Physical Education offers two community­based programs leading to a BS in Community and Public Health Promotion and a BS in Wellness and Exercise Science. These programs provide a rigorous plan of study grounded in theoretical foundations, research methods, along with evidence-informed, and reflective practice. Students receive practical application through required field-based experiences including a one-semester internship. Graduates from these programs are prepared for entry-level positions in their field and graduate study.

B.S. in Community and Public Health Promotion: Building on a public health foundation, students are prepared to positively influence the health of individuals and communities through interventions including education initiatives, policy changes, and health promotion programs. Students pursue coursework in community and public health topics such as human health and disease, nutrition, health policy, social and global perspectives on health, program planning and evaluation, pedagogy, epidemiology, and research and grant proposal writing in community and public health. Students select groups of content courses that align with populations or issues or skillsets of their interest, such as, epidemiology and environmental health, health of the elderly, maternal and child health, mental health and substance use, sexual and reproductive health, health inequities, and contemporary topics. Students acquire the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to promote health literacy and equity, and eliminate health disparities.

B.S. in Wellness and Exercise Science: Through a comprehensive curriculum, students acquire essential knowledge, skills, and competencies to provide a holistic perspective to wellness and exercise in a variety of fitness settings. Students pursue coursework in anatomy and physiology, motor development, kinesiology, exercise physiology, exercise prescription, health and wellness, fitness and wellness programming, and research in wellness and exercise science. Students are prepared to work in the exercise and wellness professions where they promote lifelong learning. personal fitness and wellness. and quality of life for various populations.

The Department of Elementary Education offers two Early Childhood community programs: https://www.ric.edu/department-directory/department-elementary-education/department-elementary-education-undergraduate-programs/early-childhood-education-bs

Concentration in Community Programs: The Elementary Education Department offers a Concentration in Community Programs leading to a B.S. in Early Childhood Education. This program provides a plan of study that encompasses coursework aligned to the Rhode Island Early Learning and Development Standards and focuses on early childhood development, effective teaching practices, principles of family engagement, and the integrated systems of early care and education. Students gain experience in classrooms through practicum courses and in early childhood community settings, such as community literacy programs, children's museums, or professional development organizations through a one-semester internship. Graduates from this program are prepared for early care and education positions including home-based service provider, family support specialist, child-care teacher, or education coordinator.

Concentration in Birth to Three: The Elementary Education Department offers a Concentration in Birth to Three leading to a B.S. in Early Childhood Education. This program provides a plan of study that was developed through collaboration with local and national leaders, and is aligned to the Zero to Three Competencies and the Rhode Island Early Leaming and Development Standards. The coursework encompasses principles of development in the early years, best practices for working with Infants, Toddlers, and their Families. Students engage in two semester long field placements and a one-semester internship in infant/toddler care and education settings. home-visiting programs, or Early Intervention. Graduates from this program are prepared to work with very young children and their families as a child care provider, home-based service provider, or Early Intervention provider.

Educational Studies Youth Development Program: https://www.ric.edu/department-directory/department-educational-studies/department-educational-studies-undergraduate-programs/youth-development-ba

Youth Development B.A.Program at Rhode Island College: The Youth Development B.A. Program prepares professional youth workers for careers with young people {ages 3-21) within afterschool programs, recreation centers, community arts centers, youth residential housing, justice and probation sites, youth ministry, and governmental agencies. In addition to coursework in social work and education. our graduates also earn a non-profit studies certificate where they develop leadership and management skills.

Admission Requirements to Graduate (M.A., M.A.T., M.S., M.Ed., C.A.G.S., and C.G.S.) Programs

Admission to the Feinstein School of Education and Human Development master’s level programs is determined by the quality of the total application. Applicants must submit the materials listed below to the associate dean of graduate studies as a measure of their potential for success in graduate-level studies.

  1. A completed online application form accompanied by a $50 nonrefundable application fee. Graduate school information and the application are available online at www.ric.edu/graduatestudies/Pages/default.aspx.
  2. Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate records.
  3. A bachelor’s degree with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale in all undergraduate course work. Applicants with undergraduate GPAs less than 3.00 may be admitted to degree candidacy upon submission of other evidence of academic potential.
  4. A teaching certificate (for all school-related programs, except school psychology and health education).
  5. An official report of scores on the Graduate Record Examination or the Miller Analogies Test, except M.A./C.A.G.S. in School Psychology, M.S. CMHC, M.Ed. ECE, M.Ed. TESOL, and C.G.S. candidates. The M.A.T. applicant has a different admissions test that varies by program. The applicant should check with the appropriate department or the associate dean’s office. – approved by Grad Committee spring 2019

  6. Three Candidate Reference Forms accompanied by three letters of recommendation.
  7. A Professional Goals Essay.
  8. A Performance-Based Evaluation.

See individual programs for additional program-specific requirements.