2023-2024 Catalog

Cap and Gown Awards

Rhode Island College recognizes academic excellence and outstanding achievement through the annual presentation of special awards. These are sponsored by alumni, faculty and friends of Rhode Island College, as well as by the families and friends of those for whom they are named. Most funds for endowed awards are deposited with the Rhode Island College Foundation. The awards are given to graduating seniors at the annual Cap and Gown Convocation.

Listed below are awards offered at Rhode Island College. Contact the sponsoring department or organization for full descriptions of awards.

Accounting and Computer Information Systems, Department of

Outstanding Student Award (Accounting)


Anthropology, Department of

James Houston Award in Anthropology

Art, Department of

Mary Ball Howkins Art History Award

Studio Art Award

Biology, Department of

W. Christina Carlson Award

Theodore Lemeshka Award

College Honors Program

Eleanor M. McMahon Award

Communication, Department of

Communication Achievement Award (Mass Media)

Communication Achievement Award (Public and Professional)

Communication Achievement Award (Public Relations)

Communication Achievement Award (Speech, Language and Hearing Science) 

Computer Science and Information Systems, Department of

Outstanding Student Award (Computer Information Systems)

Richard A. Howland Computer Science Award

Economics and Finance, Department of

Outstanding Student Award

Educational Studies, Department of

Mary Alice Grellner Educational Studies Senior Award

Katherine Murray Prize

Elementary Education, Department of

Elementary Education Award

English, Department of

Jennifer S. Cook Award in English and Educational Studies

Jean Garrigue Award

Spencer and Marguerite Hall Award

Film Studies Program

Mark W. Estrin Film Studies Award

Gender and Women’s Studies Program

Gender and Women’s Studies Award (Scholarship)

Gender and Women’s Studies Award (Service)

Health and Physical Education, Department of

Health and Physical Education Award (Health Education, Physical Education and/or Community Health and Wellness)

History, Department of

Claiborne deB. Pell Award

Evelyn Walsh Prize

Honors at Rhode Island College

Eleanor M. McMahon Award

Intercollegiate Athletics, Office of

Bourget Student Athlete Awards

John E. Hetherman Award

Helen M. Murphy Award

Management and Marketing, Department of

John Silva Memorial Scholastic Award (Management)

Constance Milbourne Award (Marketing)

Mathematical Sciences, Department of

Christopher R. Mitchell Award

Modern Languages, Department of

Nelson A. Guertin Memorial Award (French)

Nelson A. Guertin Memorial Award (Spanish)

Prémio Em Estudos Portugueses Award

Tegu Polyglot Award

Music, Theatre and Dance, Department of

Peter Jeffrey Archambault Memorial Award

Cantor Jacob Hohenemser Award

Alice K. Pellegrino Music Education Award

Rhode Island College Theatre Award

Yetta Rauch Melcer Dance Award

Nursing, School of

Nursing Award (Academic Excellence)

Nursing Award (Service Excellence)

Nursing Award (Undergraduate Registered Nurse)

Philosophy, Department of

Thomas J. Howell Award

Physical Sciences, Department of

American Institute of Chemists Award

Ronald J. Boruch Award

Departmental Physics Award

Political Science, Department of

North Providence League of Women Voters Award

Herbert R. Winter Award for Academic Excellence in Political Science

Psychology, Department of

Victoria Lederberg Psychology Award

Robin K. Montvilo Award in Chemical Dependency and Addiction Studies

Joan H. Rollins Community Service Award

Rhode Island College Foundation

Rose Butler Browne Award

Bertha Christina Andrews Emin Award (Outstanding Achievement)

Bertha Christina Andrews Emin Award (Scholastic Excellence)

Social Work, School of

Bachelor of Social Work Community Service Award

Anthony E. Ricci Social Work Practice Award

Sociology, Department of

Rachel Filinson Award in Sociology

Mary Ann Hawkes Award in Justice Studies 

Special Education, Department of

Elisa F. Bonaventura Memorial Scholarship

Josephine A. Stillings Award