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2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog
HPE - Health and Physical Education
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Programs of Study
Academic Calendar 2016–2017
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General Information - Undergraduate
General Information - Graduate
Undergraduate and Graduate Certificate Programs
General Education
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Feinstein School of Education and Human Development
School of Management
School of Nursing
School of Social Work
Course Descriptions - General Information
ACCT - Accounting
AFRI - Africana Studies
ASL - American Sign Language
ANTH - Anthropology
ARBC - Arabic
ART - Art
ARTE - Art Education
ARTM - Art Media
BLBC - Bilingual Bicultural Education
BIOL - Biology
CTE - Career and Technical Education
CHEM - Chemistry
COLL - College Course
COMM - Communication
CTSC - Computed Tomography
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CSCI - Computer Science
CEP - Counseling and Educational Psychology
CURR - Curriculum
DANC - Dance
DMS - Diagnostic Medical Sonography
DIS - Disability Studies
ECED - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
EDC - Education
EDP - Education Doctoral Program
LEAD - Educational Leadership
ELED - Elementary Education
ENGL - English
ESL - English as a Second Language
ENST - Environmental Studies
FILM - Film Studies
FIN - Finance
FYS - First Year Seminar
FYW - First Year Writing
FNED - Foundations of Education
FREN - French
GEND - Gender and Women's Studies
GED - General Education
GEOG - Geography
GRMN - German
GRTL - Gerontology
GLOB - Global Studies
GRK - Greek
HCA - Health Care Administration
HPE - Health and Physical Education
HSCI - Health Sciences
HIST - History
HONR - Honors
INST - Instructional Technology
INGO - International Non-Government Organizations Studies
ITAL - Italian
JPAN - Japanese
JSTD - Justice Studies
LBRS - Labor Studies
LATN - Latin
LAS - Latin American Studies
LIBS - Liberal Studies
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MATH - Mathematics
MTET - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
MEDT - Medical Technology
MLED - Middle Level Education
MLAN - Modern Languages
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MUS - Music
MUSE - Music Education
NPST - Nonprofit Studies
NMT - Nuclear Medicine Technology
NURS - Nursing
NEUR - Neuroscience
OMGT - Operations Management
PFA - Performing Arts
PHIL - Philosophy
PSCI - Physical Science
PHYS - Physics
POL - Political Science
PORT - Portuguese
PSYC - Psychology
PBAD - Public Administration
RADT - Radiologic Technology
READ - Reading
SED - Secondary Education
SSCI - Social Science
SWRK - Social Work
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPED - Special Education
SUST - Sustainability Studies
TESL - Teaching English as a Second Language
TECH - Technology Education
THTR - Theatre
YDEV - Youth Development
Glossary of Academic Terms
Learning Goals
Writing in the Discipline
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HPE - Health and Physical Education
HPE 101 Human Sexuality
HPE 102 Personal Health
HPE 103-134 Beginning Activity
HPE 105 Bowling
HPE 109 Swimming Beginning
HPE 110 Mind-Body Stress Reduction
HPE 111 Field Hockey
HPE 115 Fundamentals of First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
HPE 118 Lacrosse
HPE 119 Lifesaving
HPE 120 Beginning Yoga
HPE 122 Softball
HPE 123 Outdoor Activities
HPE 124 Swimming Intermediate
HPE 125 Soccer
HPE 126 Track and Field
HPE 127 Zumba
HPE 128 Volleyball
HPE 129 Weight Training
HPE 131 Golf
HPE 132 Educational Gymnastics
HPE 133 Tennis
HPE 134 Dance Aerobics
HPE 140 Introduction to Movement Sciences
HPE 151 Introduction to Recreation in Modern Society
HPE 152 Introduction to Outdoor Recreation
HPE 201 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
HPE 202 Principles of Health Education
HPE 205 Conditioning for Personal Fitness
HPE 206 Fundamental Movement and Its Analysis
HPE 207 Motor Skill Development for Lifetime Wellness I
HPE 208 Motor Skill Development for Lifetime Wellness II
HPE 221 Nutrition
HPE 233 Social Perspectives of Health
HPE 243 Foundations of Movement
HPE 247 Rhythmic Movement
HPE 251 Recreation Delivery Systems
HPE 252 Camping and Recreational Leadership
HPE 253 Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation
HPE 278 Coaching Skills and Tactics
HPE 300 Concepts of Teaching
HPE 301 Principles of Teaching Activity
HPE 302 Practicum in Team Activities
HPE 303 Community Health
HPE 305 Advanced Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
HPE 307 Dynamics and Determinants of Disease
HPE 308 The Science of Coaching
HPE 323 Teaching in Adventure Education
HPE 325 Assessment in Health and Physical Education
HPE 335 Consumer Health
HPE 346 Pedagogical Skills in Elementary Health/Physical Education
HPE 351 Leadership and Supervision of Recreation
HPE 356 Recreation Practicum
HPE 390 Independent Study in Physical Education
HPE 402 Advanced Practicum in Curriculum and Instruction
HPE 404 Organization and Administration of School Health Education Programs
HPE 406 Program Development in Health Promotion
HPE 408 Coaching Applications
HPE 409 Adapted Physical Education
HPE 410 Stress Management
HPE 411 Kinesiology
HPE 412 Organization and Administration of Physical Education Programs: Prekindergarten through Grade Twelve
HPE 413 Practicum in Creative Movement and Dance
HPE 414 Practicum in Individual and Dual Activities
HPE 415 Teaching/Assessment in Adapted Physical Education
HPE 417 Instructional Planning in Health Education
HPE 418 Practicum in Health Education
HPE 419 Practicum in Community Health
HPE 420 Physiological Aspects of Exercise
HPE 421 Practicum in Movement Studies and Assessment
HPE 422 Student Teaching Seminar in Health Education
HPE 423 Student Teaching Seminar in Physical Education
HPE 424 Student Teaching in Health Education
HPE 425 Student Teaching in Physical Education
HPE 426 Internship in Community Health
HPE 427 Internship in Movement Studies and Recreation
HPE 429 Seminar in Community Health
HPE 430 Seminar in Movement Studies and Recreation
HPE 431 Drug Education
HPE 444 Specialization in Adapted Physical Education
HPE 451 Recreation and Aging
HPE 500 Introduction to Health Education and Health Promotion
HPE 501 Curriculum Design in Health Education
HPE 505 Principles of Program Development in Health Education
HPE 507 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
HPE 508 Psycho-Social Aspects of Human Movement
HPE 509 Teaching Sports through a Tactical Perspective
HPE 512 Curriculum Construction in Physical Education
HPE 519 Professional Development for Cooperating Teachers
HPE 522 Current Issues in Physical Education
HPE 523 Adventure Education
HPE 531 Methods and Procedures for School Nurse Teachers
HPE 563 Professional Ethics and Social Health Issues
HPE 590 Directed Study in Health Education
HPE 591 Directed Reading in Health Education