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2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog
PSYC - Psychology
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Programs of Study
Academic Calendar 2016–2017
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Cancellation of Classes
General Information - Undergraduate
General Information - Graduate
Undergraduate and Graduate Certificate Programs
General Education
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Feinstein School of Education and Human Development
School of Management
School of Nursing
School of Social Work
Course Descriptions - General Information
ACCT - Accounting
AFRI - Africana Studies
ASL - American Sign Language
ANTH - Anthropology
ARBC - Arabic
ART - Art
ARTE - Art Education
ARTM - Art Media
BLBC - Bilingual Bicultural Education
BIOL - Biology
CTE - Career and Technical Education
CHEM - Chemistry
COLL - College Course
COMM - Communication
CTSC - Computed Tomography
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CSCI - Computer Science
CEP - Counseling and Educational Psychology
CURR - Curriculum
DANC - Dance
DMS - Diagnostic Medical Sonography
DIS - Disability Studies
ECED - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
EDC - Education
EDP - Education Doctoral Program
LEAD - Educational Leadership
ELED - Elementary Education
ENGL - English
ESL - English as a Second Language
ENST - Environmental Studies
FILM - Film Studies
FIN - Finance
FYS - First Year Seminar
FYW - First Year Writing
FNED - Foundations of Education
FREN - French
GEND - Gender and Women's Studies
GED - General Education
GEOG - Geography
GRMN - German
GRTL - Gerontology
GLOB - Global Studies
GRK - Greek
HCA - Health Care Administration
HPE - Health and Physical Education
HSCI - Health Sciences
HIST - History
HONR - Honors
INST - Instructional Technology
INGO - International Non-Government Organizations Studies
ITAL - Italian
JPAN - Japanese
JSTD - Justice Studies
LBRS - Labor Studies
LATN - Latin
LAS - Latin American Studies
LIBS - Liberal Studies
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MATH - Mathematics
MTET - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
MEDT - Medical Technology
MLED - Middle Level Education
MLAN - Modern Languages
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MUS - Music
MUSE - Music Education
NPST - Nonprofit Studies
NMT - Nuclear Medicine Technology
NURS - Nursing
NEUR - Neuroscience
OMGT - Operations Management
PFA - Performing Arts
PHIL - Philosophy
PSCI - Physical Science
PHYS - Physics
POL - Political Science
PORT - Portuguese
PSYC - Psychology
PBAD - Public Administration
RADT - Radiologic Technology
READ - Reading
SED - Secondary Education
SSCI - Social Science
SWRK - Social Work
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPED - Special Education
SUST - Sustainability Studies
TESL - Teaching English as a Second Language
TECH - Technology Education
THTR - Theatre
YDEV - Youth Development
Glossary of Academic Terms
Learning Goals
Writing in the Discipline
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PSYC - Psychology
PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 215 Social Psychology
PSYC 217 Drugs and Chemical Dependency
PSYC 221 Research Methods I: Foundations
PSYC 230 Human Development
PSYC 251 Personality
PSYC 320 Research Methods II: Behavioral Statistics
PSYC 331 Child Psychology
PSYC 332 Adolescent Psychology
PSYC 335 Family Psychology
PSYC 339 Psychology of Aging
PSYC 341 Perception
PSYC 344 Learning
PSYC 345 Physiological Psychology
PSYC 347 Social Cognition
PSYC 349 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 351 Psychology of Human Diversity
PSYC 354 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 356 Psychology of Gender
PSYC 360 Seminar in Current Topics
PSYC 390 Directed Study
PSYC 391 Directed Research
PSYC 392 Problems in Psychological Research
PSYC 421 Behavior Modification
PSYC 422 Psychological Testing
PSYC 423 Psychology and the Law
PSYC 424 Health Psychology
PSYC 425 Community Psychology
PSYC 445 Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC 452 Theories of Psychological Intervention
PSYC 471 Practicum in Chemical Dependency/Addiction Studies
PSYC 472 Internship in Chemical Dependency and Addiction Studies
PSYC 473 Research Methods III: Developmental Lab
PSYC 475 Research Methods III: Personality/Social Lab
PSYC 476 Research Methods III: Applied Lab
PSYC 477 Research Methods III: Cognitive/Brain Science Lab
PSYC 491 Independent Study I
PSYC 492 Independent Study II
PSYC 500 Research Design and Analysis I
PSYC 501 Research Design and Analysis II
PSYC 538 Seminar in Child and Adolescent Development
PSYC 549 Cognition
PSYC 556 Seminar in Personality Theory
PSYC 558 Seminar in Social Psychology
PSYC 560 Current Issues in Psychology
PSYC 593 Directed Reading
PSYC 594 Directed Research
PSYC 599 Master's Thesis